03 Sep The value of Bush Kinder’s Intergenerational Learning Program
For years now Bush Kinder classes at The Farmhouse have visited Bindaree once a week. This is a beautiful intergenerational engagement where Bindaree residents and Bush Kinder children share one another’s company, play games together, read books and friendships form – sometimes bridging a 100-year age gap.
The 2024 Bush Kinder cohort have grown particularly close with Bindaree residents and beautiful friendships have formed. There’s something very special about these Bindaree days where residents and children enjoy seeing one another again and spending time together.
The Bush Kinder Teachers – Rachel Devere, Naomi Smith and Jasmine Beekman, tailor games, songs and activities to suit both age groups for maximum enjoyment together. The benefits of intergenerational activities are many for all involved, where coordination, fine motor skills, language and communication are all practiced in a positive environment without judgement or discrimination. Of course, social interaction remains probably the most enjoyable and beneficial aspect of this time together.
Many older residents in Mansfield are without their grandchildren nearby, and similarly many young people don’t have their grandparents living locally. The connections this intergenerational activity offers is therefore a treasured part of everyone’s week.